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'Daddy Bolognaise'

Life doesn't have to be complicated to keep us happy. It often seems to be the simplest things in life that inspire joy and there's not much that makes my children happier than daddy being home and cooking his Bolognaise sauce. Knowing that 'Daddy Bologanaise' is on the supper menu will see the children through the worst of days. I am not entirely sure how he does it but he brings the meat ragu to a whole new level. Perhaps it's the extra time he spends caramelizing the onions, the splash of white wine (yup, not red!) or the quality of the meat he uses. Who knows but my attempt never comes close even if I stick to his recipe. I think my version is good but it's not sublime. I think it's his own brand of love that he adds. I do believe that food can be brought to a whole new level if we cook it with love and care. I guess the same could be applied to many things in life. So the life lesson that I'm taking from this is take more time, keep it simple and add a great big dollop of love.

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